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The 6 Most Fierce Zodiac Signs and Have a Bad Temper

 If you're dealing with someone who's grumpy (or if you're looking in the mirror), sometimes the best thing to do is be patient and wait for him to calm down. That way, you can talk to them without getting scolded. But if you're a bad-tempered person, you may want to pay attention to how your anger affects others.

Since each zodiac sign has a different personality, each expresses their anger in a unique way. Reporting from these are some of the most fierce zodiac signs and have a bad temper.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

When Aries is angry, everyone around them will know it. No one can contain their anger. Their anger is a simmering time bomb, and the more they try to hide it, the more they experience erratic and volatile mood swings.

It's no surprise that Aries is ranked first because he fiercely asks for forgiveness. He is outspoken, has no fear and faces confrontation with all his competitive attitudes.

Aries is known to be impulsive and aggressive. They are competitive and easily frustrated. When they are faced with conflict and distraction, they respond with anger.

They don't have much patience. For example, an Aries tends to swear a lot when faced with heavy traffic or subways during their commute to work.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Don't think this motherly zodiac sign is gentle when angry. When Cancers get angry, they usually hold it back and code it through passive-aggressive behavior. If the code is not noticed and things don't improve, they continue to explode, while bringing up your old mistakes.

Cancer is emotional and sensitive. It doesn't take much to disappoint this zodiac sign. Cancer is also pessimistic and suspicious. They tend to run amok when fighting with their partner or friend.

For example, if Cancer isn't invited to a friend's party, he'll most likely send her angry messages the next day, or even vent about them on social media.

Virgo (August 22 - September 22)

Angering a Virgo is easy. As perfectionists, they want everything to be neat and fit in nature. Just try to put things out of place, then see what their reaction is. Virgos can be rather critical when it comes to cleanliness and order.

They also like to be the smartest people in a group, and when someone is smarter than them, they feel restless.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

This lion-symbolic zodiac sign is very confident and no matter what people say. Leo knows himself to be right and has high standards. He doesn't have time to serve people who aren't at his level.

Leo has trouble staying calm. They're loud and intense. Even the worst of all, the smallest things can make them very upset.

For example, if one of their friends borrows their shirt and returns it with a small stain, Leo will probably start a great fight. Even when they are in public, Leos are known to often make a splash because of the little things.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Who doesn't know scorpios are fierce? Often Scorpio does not need to show his recklessness through words, just through his serious facial expression and without a smile, people will retreat slowly.

Scorpio is a strong and fierce person. When things don't go their way, they can get very angry. Some Scorpios are even known to be fierce! When Scorpios go berserk, they tend to yell and ruin things. Be careful when you are near this angry zodiac sign!

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

When they are angry, they can become violent and obsessive. Taurus rarely listens to others and can be stubborn and very annoying. There's little you can say to appease them, when they're angry.

They just need time to calm down. Since Taurus has little patience for anyone who irritates them, the best thing to do is let it go.

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