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Next Herschel Walker Will Claim To Be Miss Georgia’ Also Walker Warns Against Dems ‘Magic Tricks

Herschel Walker is having quite a time this week. Quite a time. Facts and figures are too much for Herschel, umm, umm. I mean, really. The man can’t even keep track of how many children he has.

Herschel wants to make things simple. His ideas are all simple and he knows that your ideas would be simple, too, if you would only just listen to him.

The Democrats are out to fool you with magic tricks, according to Herschel. Once of these tricks is the Build Back Better Bank.

The Democrats will fool you with facts and figures every time.

What is tragic here is we laugh, but the fact is this guy swept the Republican primary and is polling well. This stone cold moron may end up in the United States Senate. Oh, he’ll be good for ratings. He’ll be the star of the chamber, no doubt in my mind. He and Tommy Tuberville can huddle in the corner and discuss whatever, and you know it won’t be the bill on the floor at any given moment. And Mitch will be just fine with all of it, yes siree.

You probably heard tell of Walker’s law enforcement career. Let’s check up on that. Listen to this marvelous six minute clip. It is informative, entertaining, and this is where you’ll hear that “next Herschel will claim to be Miss Georgia.”

“As long as he is willing to carry the water of white bigots, he will always have a place at their table.” That’s about the size of it.

But again, I caution you, as ludicrous as this guy is, as much of a disaster as he will be in the Senate, he has a shot at it. I don’t have a crystal ball, I don’t know what Georgians will do, but I pray to God that they don’t vote against their own interest and put another mentally ill celebrity in a place of power. If this unserious nonsense continues in this country, we are doomed. Politics is not entertainment, although, quite obviously, that is what it has become. We are amusing ourselves to death, just as predicted by the book of that title in the 1980’s.

This is how the Roman empire fell. Caligula wanted to make his horse a member of the Roman Senate, and Nero fiddled while Rome burned. We may repeat that performance in the 21st Century.

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